OOC: Archetypes
Once you have unlocked your 2nd Fleet (Total Legion Power of 65+) your Legion will have been campaigning Long enough to have developed a particular set of Skills and Tactics which it has embraced. The Legion may have been an expert in the field previously but only once you have developed enough training and protocol with the other crucial elements of a Legion Fleet can you truly work to your Strengths.
This speciality is represented by an Archetype that can be applied to your Legion. An Archetype is a simple description which embodies certain practices of your Legions and provides a bonus unique to that Archetype. You can create a new Archetype with GM Approval or use one of the Examples below.
SIEGE EXPERTS - Half Benefits of Opponents Fortifications.
WALL BUILDER - Fortify Order increases Fortification by 2 instead of 1.
UNPARALLELED RAGE - Increase casualties caused by Aggression
ALWAYS PREPARED - You may Follow any Move order with a Free Fortify Order on a Non-Hostile Location.
INDUSTRIAL JUGGERNAUT - Your Fleet Supply base Multiplier is x3 rather than x2.
BEYOND REPROACH - Failed Diplomatic attempts may be Re-Rolled.
SHADOW WARRIORS - Gain a bonus to Tactics based on Espionage.
KEEN SCOUTS - You may Scout an additional Location with the Scout Order.
IMMOVABLE OBJECTS - Mitigation prevents additional Casualties.
WITCH BANE - Nullifies Bonuses from High Level Psykers.
ROGUE LEADER - You may Scout a Location in an Adjacent Sector to the one you are in.
WARP FUELED - You may use high Psychic potential to provide bonuses outside Aggression and Mitigation.
TRUE GRIT - When your Strength is low you take less casualties.