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Gidemos is the homeworld of the Lore Wardens legion
Gidemos is located on the border of the habitable zone in its solar system, if it was any closer to its star then water would boil away as such it is drier and more arid than most Terra like planets. This has lead to those who live there to have darker skin than most of humanity and a culture of wearing loose clothing and an archetictural norm towards open plazas and larger buildings to provide shade and give the inhabitants room to move without being densely packed. There are large numbers of libraries and seats of learning across the planet with all Gidemosians being highly educated. Manual labour is done by either servitors or by highly automated machinery.
Dark Age of Technology
Gidemos was settled early on in the Stellar Exodus being founded before the discovery of warp travel and as such was designed to be self sufficient upon arrival of the first settlers. The planet was settled to check if and how mankind could live in such close proximity to the star without having to live under the planets surface and after proving itself viable became a staging post for ships leaving the Sol system on their way further out into the galaxy. There was a full STC database on Gidemos as well as a Men of Iron construction facility and when the Cybernetic Revolt hit the fighting was fierce with large numbers of the population being wiped out. The war on Gidemos was won when the construction facility was destroyed by a force led by a great psyker called Atripo Phylir but the destruction led to massive damage to the STC database wiping large parts of it and rendering all but a tiny percent of the items unusable. The Gidemosians tried to send messages to Terra to notify them of their plight but the warp storms had gathered heavily over Sol and the surrounding systems leaving the Gidemosians to fend for themselves.
Age of Strife
Civilisation on Gidemos changed to be inward looking as they were no longer connected to the rest of humanity while the warp storms were blocking all communication. The industries which had serviced outgoing ships changed to those serving vehicles and construction on the planet. The people felt a great shame about how little of the STC data they had left and how much had been lost but they used the data to help rebuild their planet and population waiting for communication with Terra to be re-established. Large numbers of psykers started to appear on Gidemos around this time but through following the teachings of Atripo Phylir there were only limited examples of demonic possession and these were swiftly dealt with.
Age of the Imperium
In this age, once communication had begun again, the people of Gidemos found out how much the rest of humanity had suffered and lost. They started to question how they had managed to hold so much together when other worlds had lost everything and had reverted to barbarism. From this an arrogance started to spread over the population as they decided that they had held on to so much because they were better than those who had spread across the galaxy.