Legion IV

From Alternate Heresy 2018
Revision as of 19:05, 7 March 2018 by Zach (talk | contribs) (Notable Members)

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Numeration IV
Primogenitor De Carton Wiart
Cognomen Tip of the spear
Observed Strategic Tendencies Precision Strike Specialists
Noteworthy Domains Stonwool
Allegiance Fedelitas Constantus
Colours Matt Black
“Governments may think and say as they like, but force cannot be eliminated, and it is the only real and unanswerable power. We are told that the pen is mightier than the sword, but I know which of these weapons I would choose."
-Attributed to De Carton Wiart
Memoirs of a subjugated Stonwool

Summary of Legion goes here ESSENTIAL


Part 1 Name

First part of History (Usually Pre Primarch Legion) ESSENTIAL

Part 2 Name

Second Part of History

Legion Organisation


Unique Formations

Formation 1

Some Text

Combat Doctrine

Text about battle tactics and strategies ESSENTIAL

Legion Homeworld

Main Article Name of your Planet or Base

Summary text ESSENTIAL


Main Article: Primarch Name

Summary of Primarch in relation to Legion ESSENTIAL

Culture and Beliefs

Info Cultural Practices, Philosophies, Cults and stuff go here. ESSENTIAL


Info about Geneseed stability and quirks go here. ESSENTIAL IF YOURE ODD!

Legion Attributes

  • Tactics= Specialised
  • Espionage= Average
  • Aggression= Good
  • Mitigation= Average
  • Diplomacy= Average
  • Geneseed= Specialised

Homeworld Attributes

  • Population= Specialised
  • Fabrication= Average
  • Fortification= Average

Exemplary Battles

Battle One

Main Article: Battle Name

Story of Battle

Battle Two

Main Article: Battle Name

Story of Battle

Notable Members

Primarch Name De Carton Wiart
High Command
Person Name Title
Person2 Name Title
Spod Name here Title