Legion XI: The Emperor's Judgement

From Alternate Heresy 2018
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Numeration XI
Primogenitor Raguel, The Dark Judge, Dawnbringer, Chief Justice of Sphaera
Cognomen (Prior) None officially, informal nickname “ThePunishers” was formally condemned.
Observed Strategic Tendencies Punitive Actions, Counter-Insurgency, Decimation, UrbanPacification, Re-Compliance Campaigns
Noteworthy Domains Sphaera, The Inverted City (Space based,extra-dimensional,extrema class mega-hive)
Allegiance Fedelitas Constantus
Colours Black, Lapis (additional extensive use of imperial regalia noted)
The Emperor’s Judgement has come
- Legion Standard Pre-Compliance
Multi-Spectrum Broadcast

The XI Legion has always been a legion of fearsome repute, now united with their Primarch as The Emperor’s Judgement, they have come to embrace their self- appointed role as the Lord of Mankind’s Judges and Executioners. Holding an almost religious fervour in their dedication to the application of the Imperium’s laws, particularly anti-pysker measures, a bias inherited from their space based homeworld. They specialise in urban pacification, re-compliance actions and punitive campaigns, gaining a reputation for casual brutality that has been well earned. Some have condemned their harshness, but many potentially wayward systems have brought themselves into line or surrendered wholesale at the mere rumour of the Judgment’s deployment.


Early Crusade

The origin of the XI legion is shrouded in mystery, one of the so-called “trefoil” Legions, its early development and campaigns were kept shadowed from both the wider Imperium and their brother Legions. Their earliest records in the crusade show a marked tendency for the legion to be deployed against rebellious domains behind the lines, or against foes who were perceived to have committed some grievous sin against the new born Imperium beyond the scope of regular non-compliance. This specialisation and the perceived brutality of these actions led to them gaining the nickname “The Punishers” amongst auxillia forces, although it’s usage was condemned by Imperial command. The reasons for this initial separation and secrecy are unknown, but some scholars have speculated that the Emperor needed an independent force whose size and disposition was not widely known, as a check against separatist tendencies in the factions of the new-born Imperium and, some have whispered, to ensure the loyalty of the other as-then unproven Astartes Legions.

Part 2 Name

Second Part of History

Legion Organisation


Unique Formations

Formation 1

Some Text

Combat Doctrine

Text about battle tactics and strategies ESSENTIAL

Legion Homeworld

Main Article Name of your Planet or Base

Summary text ESSENTIAL


Main Article: Primarch Name

Summary of Primarch in relation to Legion ESSENTIAL

Culture and Beliefs

Info Cultural Practices, Philosophies, Cults and stuff go here. ESSENTIAL


Info about Geneseed stability and quirks go here. ESSENTIAL IF YOURE ODD!

Legion Attributes

Please List the Bandings of your Legion Attributes. 0 Ranks = Incompetent/Terrible
1-4 Ranks = Competent/Average
5-8 Ranks = Specialized/Good
9+ Ranks = Exceptional/Amazing

  • Tactics= Tactics indication
  • Espionage= Espionage indication
  • Aggression= Aggression indication
  • Mitigation= Mitigation indication
  • Diplomacy= Diplomacy indication
  • Geneseed= Geneseed indication

Homeworld Attributes

Please List the Bandings of your Homeworld Attributes. 0 Ranks = Incompetent/Terrible
1-4 Ranks = Competent/Average
5-8 Ranks = Specialized/Good
9+ Ranks = Exceptional/Amazing

  • Population= Population indication
  • Fabrication= Fabrication indication
  • Fortification= Fortification indication

Exemplary Battles

Battle One

Main Article: Battle Name

Story of Battle

Battle Two

Main Article: Battle Name

Story of Battle

Notable Members

Primarch NameShiniest of Shiney, The Shiney Lord
High Command
Person Name Title
Person2 Name Title
Spod Name here Title