Legion XVIII: The Crimson Hussars
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Numeration | XVIII |
Primogenitor | Alighieri |
Cognomen | Sanguis Clibanarii |
Observed Strategic Tendencies | Aggression combined with rapid unpredictable movement. |
Noteworthy Domains | Risa |
Allegiance | Fedelitas Constantus |
Colours | Crimson and Gold |
“They are an Adamantium Fist in a Silk Glove. They do not talk first because they are weak but because they are strong." -Attributed to the Emperor When somebody accused them of being hesitant |
The Crimson and gold of the XVIII legion is associated with daring & dashing behaviour on the battlefield paired with boisterous but charming behaviour off the battlefield. The legion makes extensive use of bikes, jetpacks and anything else they can acquire that goes fast.
Part 1 Name
First part of History (Usually Pre Primarch Legion) ESSENTIAL
Part 2 Name
Second Part of History
Legion Organisation
Unique Formations
Formation 1
Some Text
Combat Doctrine
Text about battle tactics and strategies ESSENTIAL
Legion Homeworld
Main Article Risa
Since he lacked any claim to the world there Primarch grew up - the XVIII legion was free to pick any unclaimed world as it's home. The criteria chosen for the selection of Risa is not fully understood, however it is not based on industry, resources or strategic location since Risa has none of these.
A heavily terraformed "vacation" planet during the Age of Technology it consists of innumerable small islands each one beautiful and unique get away spot. Once the age of strife began the stranded vacationers devolved into a primitive stone age society that was saved from descent into a decadent idleness due to the cultural importance of sailing and travel.
The XVIII Legion has set up it's base on the four moons that surrounded Risa. This has left the culture generally untouched. There is some contact between the two groups - not least because members of the legion have been known to travel down to the surface for 'shore leave'. This has lead the legion to start some recruiting from the planet below; the most daring and bold sailors volunteer to be taken "on the longest journey".
In terms of industry what is present came with the Legion itself. Upon learning the history of the Alighieri the Adeptus Mechanicus gifted the legion with a small number of mobile refineries and factories to accompany them to where ever they made there home. These are currently based in the sole asteroid belt the system posses.
Main Article: Primarch Name
Summary of Primarch in relation to Legion ESSENTIAL
Culture and Beliefs
Info Cultural Practices, Philosophies, Cults and stuff go here. ESSENTIAL
Info about Geneseed stability and quirks go here. ESSENTIAL IF YOURE ODD!
Legion Attributes
Please List the Bandings of your Legion Attributes.
0 Ranks = Incompetent/Terrible
1-4 Ranks = Competent/Average
5-8 Ranks = Specialized/Good
9+ Ranks = Exceptional/Amazing
- Tactics= Tactics indication
- Espionage= Espionage indication
- Aggression= Aggression indication
- Mitigation= Mitigation indication
- Diplomacy= Diplomacy indication
- Geneseed= Geneseed indication
Homeworld Attributes
Please List the Bandings of your Homeworld Attributes.
0 Ranks = Incompetent/Terrible
1-4 Ranks = Competent/Average
5-8 Ranks = Specialized/Good
9+ Ranks = Exceptional/Amazing
- Population= Population indication
- Fabrication= Fabrication indication
- Fortification= Fortification indication
Exemplary Actions
Action One
Main Article: The Fall of the Stellar Federation
The Stellar Federation was a human civilisation spanning 22 systems. While many of these worlds were barely habitable low tech worlds with a sparse population; the core of the Federation was a strong grouping of five civilised worlds.
They rejected the advances of the Imperium - claiming they had a right to "freedom". Intelligence reported that there military was currently attempting to repel an Ork Warrrrgh and as such they would be vulnerable to a swift attack. The XVIII legion was given responsibility for bringing the Federation into imperial hands. It was at this point that they did absolutely nothing.
Rather then the series of swift strikes expected the commander of the XVIII legion instead set up a series of diplomatic talks with Federation to explore possible avenues of co-operation between themselves and the Imperium of man. The result of which was that the XVIII legion went around the federation and attacked the Warrghhh in the flank. While most of there armed forces continued to bring unaligned worlds to the imperium a small group assisted the Stellar Federation in there fight against the Greenskins.
The following three years were a hard struggle - with the federations forces taking significant loses. But the presence of the Astarte swung many fights in there favour. Turning defeats into victories, and victories into Triumphs. -The Ork Warrghhhh eventually broke apart when the XVIII legion located and killed it's leader.
Through the years pressure grew on the XVIII legion to act. The Imperial administration demanded swift action to include the Federation into the Imperium of man. Always the answer came back "We fight the enemies of Man - everything else can wait." To many it seemed the XVIII legion was squandering a golden opportunity - indeed every ork they killed left the Federations forces in stronger and better able to resist when the fight came.
It was at the victory celebrations that the Commander dropped the other shoe. He handed the President of the federation a full breakdown of the forces available to the XVIII legion and asked that the Federation military generate a best case scenario for resistance in an armed conflict given what they now know of the XVII legion abilities. Before the end of the celebrations the president received the sobering answer 'best case scenario - one year'.
"I have a mission to bring these worlds into the Imperium of Man - and now the enemies of man are gone that will happen. By working together you have remained in charge for three times as long as you ever could through forces of arms and you have saved countless lives in doing so. You have seen what we can do - and you know now that to resist is to waste all that you have saved for no gain....... Accept the inevitable - I offer my hand in friendship. It will not be offered again."
The president realised the truth of the Commanders words - and so the Federation was no more; swiftly legislated out of existence. The president and the other ruling groups were raised to the Nobility, any dissenters were swiftly crushed while the armed forces of the federation were integrated into the Astra Militarum. The XVIII legion high regard by the Imperial Army has it's origins here.
Action Two
Main Article: Action Name
Notable Members
Primarch NameShiniest of Shiney, The Shiney Lord
High Command
Person Name Title
Person2 Name Title
Spod Name here Title