Johannes Gause

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Johannes Gause is the VIth of the Emperors sons, and Primarch of the Harbingers


Johannes Gause is the Primarch of the VIth Legionnes Astartes, known as the Harbingers. He is often commonly referred to as 'The Mortarch' which means The Undying in the native tongue of Phobetor



Johannes arrival was heralded by a flaming comet that crashed to the ground in a great eruption of fire and earth not far from the Harbingers monastery. They ventured out and rescued the child they found within and brought him back to raise him as one of their own, naming him Johannes Gause.

Like all Primarchs Johannes grew both physically and intellectually at a prodigious rate. Quickly absorbing the teaching of the order, he was able to reorganize the defenses and tactics of the Harbingers, and helped them to push back the wilds for the first time in generations. As time passed not only did his stature grow through the deeds he preformed, but also he was held in awe by the populace due to the fact as he aged he remained unaffected by the phage, first through one generation then two then three. Adoration became veneration, and eventually his fame spread to all corners of the planet, and he began to known by the title Mortarch, which means The Undying in the local tongue. From time to time Johannes would venture out alone, and it was on once such sojourns he was to discover something which would change the planet's fate.

Rise to Power

Whilst delving into the ruins of one of the abandoned factories, he came across a device which allowed him to commune directly with the phaged, and guide their actions as he directed. Instantly realizing the boon this piece of ancient technology would be to his beleaguered brethren, he returned to his monastery and attempted to recreate the device. For many months he was sequestered alone, wrestling with the archeotech, until eventually he had created something based off the original. He next traveled the planet, finding and training those who could use the items as he had. These individuals were few and far between, and none as powerful or successful as Johannes, however within a matter of a few years the threat of the phaged to humanity had been ended.

Shortly after the great pilgrimage, as it would become known, great lights were seen in the sky and Phobetor was reunited with the Imperium of Man.


The Story of your Primarchs Rediscovery by the Imperium and integration with his Legion


A description of your Primarchs Character / Traits


What Your Primarch Looks like


Description of your Primarchs wargear

Primarch Attributes

Please List the Bandings of your Primarch Attributes. 0 Ranks = Incompetent/Terrible
1-4 Ranks = Competent/Average
5-8 Ranks = Specialized/Good
9+ Ranks = Exceptional/Amazing

  • Strategic Planning= Strategic Planning indication
  • Martial Prowess= Martial Prowess indication
  • Statecraft= Statecraft indication
  • Psychic Potential= Psychic Potential indication
  • Lords of Terra Influence= Lords of Terra Influence indication
  • Imperial Army Influence= Imperial Army Influence indication
  • Mechanicus Influence= Mechanicus Influence indication