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{ "batchcomplete": "", "continue": { "qpoffset": 10, "continue": "-||" }, "query": { "querypage": { "name": "Ancientpages", "results": [ { "value": "20180126162907", "timestamp": "2018-01-26T16:29:07Z", "ns": 0, "title": "Legion Expeditionary Fleets" }, { "value": "20180131153226", "timestamp": "2018-01-31T15:32:26Z", "ns": 0, "title": "OOC: Influence Spending" }, { "value": "20180201103506", "timestamp": "2018-02-01T10:35:06Z", "ns": 0, "title": "OOC: Legion Generation" }, { "value": "20180205022028", "timestamp": "2018-02-05T02:20:28Z", "ns": 0, "title": "First Blademaster Akkan Varna" }, { "value": "20180205022231", "timestamp": "2018-02-05T02:22:31Z", "ns": 0, "title": "Stonecarver Oro Knas" }, { "value": "20180205022239", "timestamp": "2018-02-05T02:22:39Z", "ns": 0, "title": "Karal Gresh, Champion of the Bladesworn" }, { "value": "20180205024005", "timestamp": "2018-02-05T02:40:05Z", "ns": 0, "title": "Legion VII" }, { "value": "20180206133503", "timestamp": "2018-02-06T13:35:03Z", "ns": 0, "title": "Lord Commander Mahees \"Iron arm\" Huron" }, { "value": "20180206133543", "timestamp": "2018-02-06T13:35:43Z", "ns": 0, "title": "Lord Commander Hercule Vanzamt" }, { "value": "20180206134203", "timestamp": "2018-02-06T13:42:03Z", "ns": 0, "title": "Commander Leonida Templatz" } ] } } }