Commanders Log

Repository of Sort Stories and Fiction from the Great Crusade
Joined:Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:01 pm
Real Name:Mavis
Commanders Log

Post by Alighieri » Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:53 am

Commander Jean Armand Log.

Apparently it started as some light hearted mocking between Captain Athos who is a Dragon, and Lieutenant Artemis who was a daredevil concerning one “Milady De Winter” over who got to escort her to the dance.

Captain Athos refused to give way despite his clique. He then ordered Artemis onto a long term courier duty right over the period the ‘ball’ was running. Artemis accepted the duty making it clear that he considered Athos beneath contempt for abusing his position in this manner. Artemis then talked another Marine into covering his duty without informing him it was a named task and as such should not have been exchanged.

Artemis told De Winter to ready her self for pick up several hours before the ball. De Winter then told Athos the new start time without mentioning Artemis at all. We are sure she wished the conflict to occur.

When they both saw each other a physical conflict started - no ranged weapons, and no armour. We have checked the recordings - at no point did either of the indicate Respect, not even the least bit. Even as the physical wounds mounted - to the point they were not dancing with anybody any time soon - neither of them showed the slightest inclination to back down. Indeed we think both activated all implants and went into full combat stance. Let us consider that - they went into full fight mode as if they were facing an ork.

Captain Athos won - if you can call it winning when you were being considered for dreadnaught implantation. I have ordered him executed for dereliction of duty.

De Winter went to the ball with somebody else, and has showed no concern or interest in either of them since the event. Her new partner seems just a infatuated with her.

This is just the most extreme example but the pattern of behaviour is pronounced across the legion.

I will be honest I am somewhat unsure what to do - cold showers really won’t cut it this time

I am considering quarantining everybody who has had interacted with the planet before ordering a wide scale orbital strike despite Allighri’s orders . He went down there first to look around and had a dalliance - how can I know he is not compromised? If we can not deal with these ladies how will the imperial guard, the lords of terra, or the wider Empire?

I am fortunate that Primarch Gause and his legion are here to support us - I will seek his advice.

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