
Repository of Sort Stories and Fiction from the Great Crusade
Soren the Silent
Joined:Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:56 pm
Real Name:Justin

Post by Soren the Silent » Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:24 pm

The explosion was deafening in the confines of cargo hold 34.b. a single fragment of rock crete shaken loose by the detonation struck the armor glass. Soren gazed serenely at the fractal pattern of the broken glass before returning his gave to test bay 16. within the bay black smoke and flames where billowing form the viewing slits in the rockcrete bunks the artificers had constructed. Lead Artificer Quirinus chattered excitedly in scrap code as his acolytes compared the data of the latest fiedltest. "as my lord can see" crooned the atrifcer mind voice "we have managed to increase the yield of the shaped explosive within the hunter killer skulls by 30 percent with no loss of mobility". Quirinus excitedly gestures and one of his red robed acolytes reverently offers the fruits f the artificers labor to the primarch. the hunter killer is a sleek snub nosed thing built into the skull of some form of diminutive canine. aesthetically Soren has always preferred the human cranium for seviotic augmentation. he cannot deny that its smaller size has advantages. being able to slip through a viewing slit in a rock crete bunker for example only to detonate and kill everyone within.

"most impressive start artificer Quirinus" he sends. he can feel the waves of barely contained jubilation coming of the man and his team at his words of praise. let them have it thinks Soren though he knows this little innovation wont be enough/ not nearly enough. "Have the onboard manufactorums begin work on them at once" he sends @now show me what else you have"

"of course my Primarch" sends the artificer while simultaneously squirting nooshperic instructions to his underlings to expedite the Primarch will. supposedly more breeding space will be required for the "cranial doners". the Primach smirks internally and allows himself to be ushered to the next testing bay.

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